I’ve been a journalist, author and science writer/editor since the 1990s.

Articles on science (very small sample)

Standard model (Nature)

The littlest prion (Nature Outlook)

Alzheimerโ€™s vaccines (Nature Outlook)

The dark side of proteins (Nature)

The journey of Jin-Quan Yu (Scripps Research)

Secrets of the shaking palsy (Nature Outlook)

New Alzheimer’s therapy suggested (Science)

The sounds of silent movies (Nature)

Rewired for sight and sound (Nature)

Love song of the zebra finch (NYU Physician)

Perspectives on the next great flu pandemic (UNC Gillings School of Public Health)

Targeting tumor metabolism (Nature Reviews Drug Development)

The magic bullet that burst the bubble (New Scientist)



Age of Despair: Toxic Science and the End of History. Natura 2024

Everything and Nothing: an introduction to quantum probability. Natura 2012.

(Revised/updated as Quantum Theory and the Structure of Reality. Natura 2023)

Forever Young: Science and the Search for Immortality. Bloomsbury 1998.

Remote Viewers: the Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies. Dell 1997.

Dark White: Aliens, Abductions and the UFO Obsession. Hamish Hamilton/Penguin 1994.

Round in Circles. Hamish Hamilton/Penguin 1993.